By Apricot Power
Health & Wellness • NewslettersFlu season is well underway, and we think it’s important to look at how to avoid the flu and stay well this winter. Getting sick can stress your immune system, increasing your risk of a...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersSeptember Newsletter_FINALDownload 7 Healthy Back to School Tips As we start of the month of September, many of us are preparing for another school year for our kids. It’s so important to...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersJanuary 2018 NewsletterNew Year’s EvolutionIn our December Newsletter, we talked about getting healthy for the New Year by changing your diet and taking supplements. Now we want to talk about...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersAugust 2018 NewsletterDownload All about summer and anti-inflammation supplements. The Dog Days of Summer What does that phrase actually mean? I always thought this phrase was meant to describe...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersJuly 2018 NewsletterIn Celebration of BlueberriesJuly is “National Blueberry Month”. What a wonderful fruit to celebrate! Blueberries are low in calories, high in fiber and nutritional value....
By Apricot Power
NewslettersJune 2018 NewsletterEat Your Fruits and Vegetables!”Eat all of those lima beans on your plate mister”, Mom said, “or no dessert for you.” So there I was, 3 hours later staring down a small pile...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersMay 2018 NewsletterAmerican Blood Pressure MonthHigh Blood PressureHaving high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the United...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersApril 2018 NewsletterStress AwarenessFinances got you worried? Problems at work? Things at home causing tension? Feeling overwhelmed and having trouble with demands being put on you? You’re not...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersMarch 2018 NewsletterOur Digestion SystemThe Who, What, When, Why, and HowThe digestive tract is really a simple system. A long tube open at the top and bottom. Food goes in the mouth, it...
By Apricot Power
NewslettersFebruary 2018 NewsletterAmerican Heart MonthFebruary is not only the month that includes Valentine’s Day, but it’s also “American Heart Month”. Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease...