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Apricot Power SuperFood Mix Recipes

Shake It, Bake It, Eat It Raw, Make Smoothies & More!

Our unique B17 SuperFood Mix allows you to eat super-healthy delicious meals, healthy snacks, & treats to meet your optimum nutrition needs with hundreds of possible variations.

Download Our Superfood Recipe Contest Cookbook

In addition to those found in our cookbook, here are a few basic healthy recipes suggestions:

Protein Shakes | Smoothies:

  • 6-8 ounces of water
  • 4-6 ice cubes
  • ¼ cup of SuperFood Mix
  • Optional: 1 frozen banana
Blend the SuperFood Mix with the water and ice cubes for 15-30+ seconds. For an even more amazingly delicious & healthy smoothie treat replace the water with Almond Milk (preferably unsweetened) & a frozen banana.


Take ¼ cup of SuperFood Mix, add your favorite fresh fruit (grated, mashed, or blended) & enough water to just cover it. Mix it up, place in a covered container and let it sit overnight in a dark place at room temperature. In AM it's ready to eat, predigested & delicious.

Raw Protein | Nutrition Bar | Protein Bars (using a dehydrator or oven):

  • 2-3 cups of SuperFood Mix
  • 2-3 shredded organic carrots
  • 2-3 mashed or blended bananas
Mix 2-3 cups of SuperFood Mix with 2-3 shredded organic carrots and 2-3 mashed or blended bananas. It should make a thick paste-like mixture. You may need to add a small amount of water, but do so very sparingly. You want the mixture to be similar to pizza dough. Place the thick mixture on counter or cutting board and shape into a flattened rectangle, oval or circle. Pat it down until it is approx ¾ -1" thick. Cut this into strips and place in food dehydrator for 2-6 hours at approx 105-115° F. If you don't have a dehydrator, you can use an oven at the lowest setting keeping the door slightly open to prevent it from getting too hot. The time required will vary, so you'll have to figure what works for your oven. The goal is to keep food temp. below approx 115°F (119°F is generally considered the cut off point for raw).

Apricot Power Frozen Desert (can be done with or without an ice cream maker):

  • 2-3 cups of SuperFood Mix
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • Fresh Fruit to taste
Blend 2-3 cups of mix with about 2-3 cups of water and any additional fruit you'd like (we typically use a couple of bananas, strawberries and/or blueberries but virtually anything will work). If you have an ice cream maker, simply pour the mixture in and turn it on until it gets to the desired consistency. Alternately, you can simply put the mixture into a bowl and stick it in the freezer for 1-3 hours until ready.

Addition to Many Other Foods: Simply add ¼ cup or more to any of the following foods to boost the nutritional content: yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal, granola, oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice, or just use your imagination then let us know what works.

Bake It! - Apricot Power Fresh-Baked Energy Food Treats:

Protein Bars, Energy Bars, Bites, Biscotti's, Brownies, Cakes, Cookies, Cupcakes, Muffins, etc. – The same basic approach works for all the above, simply vary the thickness and type of pan to make the different treats. Use 2-3+ cups of SuperFood Mix, add 2-3 sliced or mashed bananas and 2-3 shredded carrots and mix it all up. Actually, virtually any fruit will work as will a variety of vegetables. Then add approx. ¼ of water for each cup of mix used then mix thoroughly. Add the water slowly, the biggest mistake is to add too much water. Place the mix into the appropriate pan for whatever you'd like it to be & bake at 300°F preheated oven for between 8-35 minutes depending on the thickness of the product. Test with toothpick as with any baked item: if it comes out clean it's probably done, if it comes out moist / sticky it isn't. Take out and allow to cool before slicing.

Healthy Snack Bites:

Our current favorite way to make baked or dehydrated SuperFood Mix is as little cookies (aka bites). Use a very small ice cream type scoop to form your cookies. We typically leave them rounded but you can smash them flat if you prefer.

Add a little health to your holiday treats.

Sprinkle ground or chopped seeds on your favorite holiday cake or cookie! Bake your cookies or cake as usual. Add Icing or dip in your favorite chocolate then sprinkle with chopped or ground seeds.

Griddle It! - Apricot Power Protein Pancakes or Waffles:

Add ½ - 1 cup of SuperFood Mix to ¼ - ¾ cup of your favorite pancake mix with water (to whatever thickness you like your pancakes to be) and mix or blend. We also like to add a couple of eggs. Use this recipe to make awesome pancakes or waffles.