Refer A Friend To Apricot Power & You Both Save!
Share what you know with your friends!
- Earn $20* for every person you recommend
- Your friend saves $10 on their first order
- No limits on referral credits
Share The Gift Of Health!
We know that many of you have shared the story of your apricot seed experience with friends and family. We're thankful you are helping us spread the word, so we've created Apricot Power's Refer A Friend Program to reward our loyal customers.
How It Works
Every person you refer to Apricot Power will save $10 on their first order, and you will receive a $20* credit on your account as soon as their first order is placed. We will send you an email so you know you've received a referral credit!
Getting Started
It's easy to spread the word: send an email to your friends or share it on Facebook! Use the form above to create your unique referral link.
*Our regular referral bonus is $10, but we are running a limited-time DOUBLE BONUS PROGRAM! Your bonus is paid as soon as your referred friend places their first order.